Website Feedback - Assessor's Office

The Noblest Motive Is the Public Good, so the County of Santa Clara Assessor's Office is asking its customers how we can improve services for you. Please complete the survey. When answering questions, please choose the most appropriate answer. Please click the "Submit" button when you have completed the survey. Thank you!

Feedback questionnaires

Required Fields
1. Did the pages load in a timely manner?
 Very Dissatisfied
 Somewhat Dissatisfied
 Neither Dissatisfied or Satisfied
 Somewhat Satisfied
 Very Satisfied
6. Was the information presented in a logical order?
 Very Dissatisfied
 Somewhat Dissatisfied
 Neither Dissatisfied or Satisfied
 Somewhat Satisfied
 Very Satisfied
11. Was the information easy to understand?
 Very Dissatisfied
 Somewhat Dissatisfied
 Neither Dissatisfied or Satisfied
 Somewhat Satisfied
 Very Satisfied
16. Did we provide the information/services that you needed?
 Very Dissatisfied
 Somewhat Dissatisfied
 Neither Dissatisfied or Satisfied
 Somewhat Satisfied
 Very Satisfied
21. Overall, were you satisfied with the quality of this Web site?
 Very Dissatisfied
 Somewhat Dissatisfied
 Neither Dissatisfied or Satisfied
 Somewhat Satisfied
 Very Satisfied
26. How frequently do you use the Assessor's Web site?
31. What did you like best about the Assessor's Web site?
32. What did you like least about the Assessor's Web site?
Would you like the assessor's office to contact you?
Contact Information
First Name:
Last Name:
Mailing Address:
Is there anything else we could do to better serve you? Please provide additional comments.
By clicking "Submit" button, you agree to our Terms and Conditions.